Sea Squirt, 61 cm x 46 cm, 24" x 18", 2024, urethane and acrylic binders, pigments in dispersal water, dry iridescent pigments on panel. Sea Squirt has a matte surface.
Sea Squirt is a new direction I see emerging. It has a painterly feel compared to my tightly detailed patterned paintings with multiple resin layers. Other 2024 paintings have combined the two techniques. See the paintings Unity Gain and Orbit, both 2024 paintings.
"Enigmatic and often beautiful, sea squirts are a diverse group of filter-feeding marine invertebrates scientifically known as tunicates. Their life cycle is rather intricate, and at one point during this metamorphosis, they'll literally devour their own brains. Luckily, this occurs after the creatures have stopped needing them. "From The Week.
In titling this painting I saw a central figure floating in a pink sea firmly attached at the bottom while a recent pathway from left to right in the top half of the painting appears to pass through the central shapes "head" where its brain would be. Hence the title Sea Squirt.
Sea Squirt is ready to hang.